Tuesday, November 25, 2008

My little brother's engagement

This one is kind of a late present to my brother. Almost one year ago he got engaged to Verginia, the girl drawn with him, at a nice party in Itapoá, which is kinda of a wetter city nowadays...

I hope they enjoy the sketch..

Little Buddy

This one took a long while to finish since the subject is still painfull to me. I really miss the little dude.

Friday, November 21, 2008

The Amazon

This piece was hanging around the house for quite a while but for tactical reasons I chose not to publish it until now. Since the problems that restrained me from publishing it are gone I decided to share another sketch with anyone who may find it interesting.

The woman drawn in the picture is a friend of mine, who happens to work in techno-social inclusion iniciativas, who was traveling to the Amazon, that huge state at the top of Brasil, to visit some really distant communities which do not have much access to the conforts of the modern world, even less to the confort of the post-moden.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Unfinished comission

This one is a sketch which was supposed to become a drawing requested by a friend of a friend. I did not have enough time back then to actually complete the comissioned work. Since this one was laying around the house I decided to publish it.