Friday, December 26, 2008

And when I thought that the quilombolas series was done.. another one pops out

This one of William Barbosa, one of the most engaged activist for the quilombola's rights and culture.

In this one I've tried something different as I used crow quill for the first time in a complete drawing, except of course for filling in the black spots. I'm satisfied with the result but still lack a lot of technique.

Tombs family

I've promissed this to the flemish guy a while ago. While I'm mostly satisfied with Amber's portrait Lady Tombs's is definetly not close to what I've intended. Will be posting Tombs's portrait as soon as I can finish it.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


This is just a quick sketch of althaser the portguese member of gud-br-pr. I was too tired to finish the background....

Just watching

I've had an urge to draw this last night which made me go through the night penciling and inking.It took me about 4 1/2 hours to finish.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Just practicing

In a deperate atempt not to get hurt again while inking my sketches I'm trying to pencil and ink as often as possible.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Yet another movie sketch

Continuing my Kate Beckinsale sketches.. here goes another one of her character Anna from the hilarious Van Hellsing movie.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

More movie sketches

A couple of sketches of Selene from the Underworld trilogy.

On this one I tried to use my dip pen but I'm still not confortable with it even though I'd bought it many years ago.

An this one was done with my trusty good old #00 brush.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Tombs's heir

This is a sketch I made of Amber, the daughter of one of good friend who happens to live a little to far away for that ocasional visit.

It is just my first sketch of her and I do really think that I've spent to much time away from my pencil and brush. It hurt my hand while doing it and did no have enough precison nor movement to do it nicelly. I'll try again some other time.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

My little brother's engagement

This one is kind of a late present to my brother. Almost one year ago he got engaged to Verginia, the girl drawn with him, at a nice party in Itapoá, which is kinda of a wetter city nowadays...

I hope they enjoy the sketch..

Little Buddy

This one took a long while to finish since the subject is still painfull to me. I really miss the little dude.

Friday, November 21, 2008

The Amazon

This piece was hanging around the house for quite a while but for tactical reasons I chose not to publish it until now. Since the problems that restrained me from publishing it are gone I decided to share another sketch with anyone who may find it interesting.

The woman drawn in the picture is a friend of mine, who happens to work in techno-social inclusion iniciativas, who was traveling to the Amazon, that huge state at the top of Brasil, to visit some really distant communities which do not have much access to the conforts of the modern world, even less to the confort of the post-moden.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Unfinished comission

This one is a sketch which was supposed to become a drawing requested by a friend of a friend. I did not have enough time back then to actually complete the comissioned work. Since this one was laying around the house I decided to publish it.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

I have being toying around with markers again

These sketches were done quite quicky (about 10 minutes for pencil work and about the same time inking it) and since it was going to be make too much a mess to clean all those brushes and dip pens I decided to toy around with those markers I'd bought a few months back.

Friday, August 22, 2008

And I still need to learn how to texture those ink jobs

The kid looks ok on this drawing but the overall picture needs more texture. I'm going to continue playing around with this picture and see if I can make it.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

And finally a couple new sketches

This one was done as a birthday present to someone really special. Even though she is still mad at me for all those things I did I managed to work on it and achived some good results. As anyone can see I'm begining to have a good control over the brush strokes and I'm begining to notice all the work that needs to be done beyond geting the brush strokes right. In the next sketches I'll probably work more on textures and feathering.

And this one was to be a aniversary present but I've finished it quite a long while afterwards.

Monday, August 18, 2008

And a couple more really old sketches

The sketch of Julie Newmar as Catwoman was made more than 10 years ago while I was teaching english and basic computing. I still remember carrying the drawing board around everywhere I went so I could sketch everything. The inking was done a few years latter.

The other one is a sketch o Cloe from Smallville TV series from the first or second season if I'm not mistaken.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

And a few more oldies

I just can't believe how many old sketches I've had laying around the apartment. The muscle guys I remember doing during in my freshmen year at colledge and the girl, if I'm not mistaken, was made a couple years ago.

Friday, August 15, 2008

A couple couple's old sketches

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Saturday, August 2, 2008

And now some woodcarving exercieses..

I've done these study and woodcarving printing in my college days.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

And I'm still digging old stuff..

Since last post had a sketch o Marvin I decided to post other sketches based on movies.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Digging out some old stuff.. again..

As I was cleaning up the apartment I found some old sketches I did using technical pens. Among them were some studies of those wooden figures I have laying around and a few movie images. I've selected a few to post here.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

And the Quilombola series is still running

During a week long event at the Quilombo Ivaporunduva I've managed to finish a couple of sketches I've had laying around the house for a few weeks.

ps. I still need to get a scan of the sketch I gave Patrícia Camargo as it is the only one missing here.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Family Portrait

It has being a long time in the making so I decided to finhish it off. It is a portrait of my father, gramma Gertrudes and my mother.

Monday, June 30, 2008

Another request

I do not believe the result is what she intended it to be but it was everything I could do today. If I get the time I will try again tomorrow.

ps. All those new brushes are paying off: getting better at controlling line width.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Another one on the Quilombos series

I've traveled again to a couple quilombolas communites last weekend and now have done a few more sketches, even though only one is postable. I'm ashamed to admit that I do not remember the name of the person in this drawing but as soon as I can figure it out I'll post it with a more finished inking job. As always the line widths are bugging me but I can sense that I'm a lot more relaxed with the brush.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

As requested

Monday, June 9, 2008

LTSP Quilombo Brotas

About a week ago a friend invited me to acompany her in a business trip. Even though it was more work than play and that almost everything that could go wrong went wrong it was a quite enjoyable trip. I got to know a few very nice people involved in social/digital inclusion and cultural empowerment.

As usual I've made a couple of sketches of the team that failed to bring up a LTSP network in the tiny timeframe we had available. I shall finish Fred's sketch soon since he is the only one missing, besides me but that is another matter entirelly.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Mozart Couto's blog

While doing some research for my talk about FOSS on multimedia development, specially design, I found Mozart Couto's blog which is full of nice stuff, especially about how to use the gimp to color comic books.

Some old inking exercises I've being playing around with

Since I've bought Gary Martin's The Art of Comic Book Inking I've being playing around with the sample pages from the book. These pages are pencil art from the book which I've inked and began coloring using the Gimp and my trusted wacom Intuos 2.

I hope to post completelly colored versions of those pages soon.

ps. During the time I was trying to ink these pages I was strugling with the brushes I had available. Now I've settled for a cheap brush: Tigre #0.